Transform your digital chaos into a productive distraction-free workspace

Struggling to be effective with your time and feel like a messy digital space is holding you back in your business, work or life?Hi, I’m Janice, let me help you simplify and streamline your Notion to boost your productivity and save save you time.

Every System is Unique

Cookie-cutter templates don't work.You can have a custom-designed system for you business (and life) to make the most out of your time and energy on those good days, as well as the bad.And you don’t need to be a Notion expert to get the most out of your set up.Doing focused work that matters is hard.But we make it easy by designing an intentional, simple and distraction-free digital workspace where everything has its place. Instead of complicated systems that you abandon in a few months.

Think of Notion as Digital Lego

Notion is a highly flexible and customisable tool that can help run your business solo or with a tiny team (or manage all areas of your life).Block by block, I tailor your workspace to the exact needs of you, your team and even your clients, so you can shed your patchwork of digital tools and subscription fees.You’ll have one place to keep track of everything, so you never worry about dropping the ball in your business or leaving money on the table.You'll free up more time and headspace, so you can focus on making your impact without sacrificing your life outside of work.

The Slow Digest

Start here with a newsletter packed with insights, actionable strategies and curated expert resources to unlock your path to sustainable productivity, time outside of work (and profit).

What a few happy readers say...

Hi I'm Janice

I’m passionate about helping you to regain control over your workload and time

I work with purpose-driven coaches and education-focused solopreneurs to dig deep into their processes and figure out what's holding them back from being focused, productive and organised in their business (and life).I'll then custom-design and implement a simple and practical Slow Productivity System in Notion that they'll actually stick to.If you want to get digitally organised, create systems to be more productive, and put in place workflows you'll enjoy using, to get the most out of your focus hours, you’ve come to the right place.

Here's How I can Help You

Whether you're looking for a complete 1-one-1 done-for-you Streamlined Notion System, or full audit and actionable Strategy Roadmap to improve your Notion workspace, I got you.

1-on-1 Notion Consulting and Workspace Build Service

Streamlined Notion System

Do you resonate with any of this?

  • Your Notion workspace feels like a messy dumping ground.

  • You open up Notion and don't know where to begin (so you close it again).

  • You struggle with digital clutter and find it tough to stay organised in (and outside) of Notion.

  • Your Notion sidebar is cluttered with templates you don't use and a big list of pages and databases you've created.

  • You don't have time to set up or learn Notion right now.

  • You struggle to find what you’re looking for, and it feels frustrating, overwhelming and a waste of time.

  • You tried a few Notion templates but they were too complicated to use, hard to customise, or simply just didn’t work for you.

  • You don’t know the difference between pages vs. databases, and might have even deleted something important accidentally.

If this is you, not to worry. You're like most people who use Notion.These are just a few reasons that might be distracting you from doing the work enjoy and care about: Helping your clients with their transformations.I would love to help and show you another way.

Unlike other consultants, I believe in designing and building customised simple distraction-free systems and workspaces in Notion that works for you.And you don't need to be a Notion expert to use it.You’ll get personalised training so you only spend time learning what you need to leverage Notion for your business (and life).I’m focused on helping you dig into the problems you face with focus, productivity and digital organisation. Then creating simple and practical solutions in Notion for you that you’ll actually stick to for running your business (or life).

If you resonated with any of this… and you’re ready to take the next step, let’s talk.

My done-for-you approach to designing your Notion workspace

System Thinking

Systems thinking approach helps you gain clarity on your needs and goals, which is key to designing a good system that supports you in achieving your ambitions.

Easy To Use

Notion doesn't have to be complicated. I use the Goldilocks Rule when designing and building Notion workspaces, so it's just right for you, and you don't need to be a Notion expert to use it.

Notion Best Practices

There are endless ways to create in Notion. I focus on using best practices to designing simple, function and productive workspaces for you.

Slow Productivity

Slow Productivity systems and workflows forms the basis for everything I design and build in Notion. Heavily influenced by Cal Newport's strategies and thought leadership.


What My Clients are Saying

Notion is a hyper flexible tool…

Here are just a few ways you can use Notion to run your business (and life):

  • Content creation

  • Manage tasks and projects

  • Tracking progress for your goals

  • CRM and managing client projects

  • Business and personal knowledge management

  • Collaborate with VAs, team members or external clients

  • Manage documentation and standard operating procedures

  • Planning your day, week, month, quarter, year and vision for your business and life

  • Etc.

The possibilities are limitless.

No matter how you plan to use Notion, you'll always get this:

  • A simple, clean and easy to use all-in-one workspace, where everything has its place.

  • Become free from the mental overwhelm of digital clutter and a lack of organisation.

  • Save money and reduce the distraction by reducing your digital tool stack (and stop context switching).

  • A system that tracks everything that's important to you so you never have to worry about dropping the ball.

  • Experience more calm and organisation, so that you can focus on doing deep work and providing value to your clients.

  • Workflows and system to manage your business (or life) to make better use of your time and stop leaving money on the table.

How We'll Work Together

While every Dream Notion System is unique, this is the process for working together:

1. Discovery Session (30 mins)

An informal chat where I focus on understanding your business needs and goals, making sure Notion is the right fit for you. If I can help, you’ll receive a project proposal outlining the scope of the project and a quote.

2. Onboarding (TBC)

We’ll move forward to onboarding if you accept the project proposal. I’ll send you an invoice for a 50% deposit and an invoice for the remaining 50% will be sent prior to the handover of the Notion workspace.If you have any spreadsheets, screenshots or other useful information to share, this is the perfect point to share them with me, so that we can have a great Project Briefing call.

3. Project briefing (2 to 4 hours)

This is where we will dive deep into your operations, workflows and processes. Including mapping out how you work in your business.I’ll be asking you key questions to get an in-depth understanding of your goals, needs and wants, so you get the Notion workspace that actually solves your problems and that you enjoy using for the long term.

4. Design and build (TBC)

A typical custom build takes ~4 weeks to complete. However, we’ll be working within our agreed-upon timeframe and project scope, to design and build your workspace.

5. Workspace handover and follow-up, (2 to 4 hours)

Once the custom workspace is ready to be handed over to you, you’ll receive a detailed run-through to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the new workspace.After 1-2 weeks, we’ll do a follow up office hour session so you can ask any questions and we can make sure you’ve fully adopted the Notion into your business operations.

6. Feedback and iterations (TBC)

Minor adjustments can be discussed and made during the workspace handover and follow up sessions. Major adjustments or additions outside the original project scope can be discussed further.

Ready for the next step? Let’s talk.

If I left any questions unanswered, send me an email

Workspace Audit and Strategy Call

The Notion Strategy Roadmap

A 90-Minute Solution To What's Holding You Back In Notion

Struggling with adopting Notion or not sure if it’s the right fit for you?I’ll do a complete audit of your Notion workspace (structures, workflows, clean up, dashboard design, database design, organisation) and dive deep into your day-to-day business operations and processes.This call will find the gaps in your Notion systems so you’re not constantly frustrated and wonder why it’s such a struggle to get it to work exactly the way you want.Notion is super powerful, but only when used and designed in the right way.

What You Get

  • A 90-minute Zoom call where we dive into every nook and cranny of your Notion workspace, helping you get crystal clear on what exactly you need to do to make Notion work for you.

  • I’ll ask you a bunch of questions to help you gain clarity on the problems Notion can solve for you, and your goals and needs.

  • You’ll receive a tailored-for-you strategic roadmap with actionable next steps and recommendations targetting your specific goals and challenges, so you can work on improving your Notion workspace right away.

  • A recording of our call as your reference to keep.

Once you implement these recommendations, Notion becomes your co-pilot for your business (and life).You’ll learn how to get the most out of Notion for what you need, and see a boost in your organisation, productivity and focus.


What People Have Said...

Janice changed my life. Before my Notion consulting call with her, I struggled with converting my ideas into articles.The problem was my an idea capturing system spanned three tools. When I had time to write, it took me a while to identify which article ideas to work on, what phase the article was in, and where the most recent information was. This is because I used Trello to manage my pipeline, Notion to record my ideas, and Microsoft Word to write my article drafts.Janice has excellent coaching skills. She identified my pain points and offered specific suggestions to create a streamline content creation system. Before my call with Janice, I had not published my newsletter for nine months. But after the call, I published weekly for eighteen weeks until I decided to focus on writing my book. I highly recommend working with Janice!


So incredibly helpful, 10/10! I think the capture system alone will completely transform the way I use Notion, and really make it work for me! My main goal was to figure out why I found my existing system so clunky, and you solved it super quickly! With the capture/data base system you’ve reduced most of my clicking from like 10+ clicks to less than 3 clicks for any given action.Notion is like that spiderman quote: “With great power comes great responsibility”! It’s such a customizable system that it’s actually quite easy to shoot yourself in the foot and make something that’s difficult to use and maintain…. That’s why it was so valuable to get to learn from your experience and get direct troubleshooting.


When I started using Notion, my goal was to set up a system with a set of rules so I could do what I needed to do with some intentionality. However, the system quickly became exhausting and unmanageable, and by the end of 12 months, I was frustrated with Notion. I didn’t know how to get back to the basics.Having a 90minute session with Janice brought back clarity and showed me how to simplify my Notion setup. I’m not a big fan of templates, and following another Notion designer's template made things way more complicated for me. Janice helped me identify the core problem and provided a straightforward solution: "eliminate that database from your dashboard." You see how simple that is?Now, I’m back to using Notion effectively for project management. She helped me remove unnecessary complexities, and my workflow is now much more efficient.


I loved the specificity of the advice I got on the call. I finally felt that I have a chance at making a Notion system that works for me rather than the other way around. Janice addressed all my challenges and the next time I have a particular project to manage in Notion I know I now have the ability to do it a lot better.A personalised call like this is so much more valuable than consuming static content and trying to make it all work for yourself. The expertise with productivity tools/ software is a real thing. And consulting with an expert like Janice is worth the time and money. I did not even know such help was possible to access before our call. Thank you for that session.


Ready to get help with Notion?

Get the Notion Strategy Roadmap for just $289

If I left any questions unanswered, send me an email

Helping purpose-driven coaches and solopreneurs use Slow Productivity Systems to boost their productivity in a sustainable and human way.

This is for you if you're struggling to be productive with your time, feeling overloaded or you think disorganisation is holding you back in your business (or life).Don't work more. Work at a sustainable pace.

What my awesome readers have said...

Here's What to Expect

  • Deep dive insights into Slow Productivity and Notion strategies and systems that you can apply to your business, career or life.

  • Actionable tips on how systems and process can help you.

  • Curated resources and knowledge from experts.

About Me

My Story

Before I found Notion 5+ years ago, my digital tool stack for managing my life, day job and business was complicated. I used a mix of physical notebooks, to-do apps, Excel spreadsheets, OneNote, Trello etc.Even writing that list makes me feel overwhelmed!When I found Notion, it blew my mind and it totally changed how I managed everything that is important to me.I shifted from the overwhelm of using multiple tools that did not talk to each other. To an all-in-one digital tool where I manage all my tasks, projects, goals, notes, writing, content creation, travel plans, clients etc. in the one digital workspace that I can access anywhere I have an internet connection.Notion completely simplified and decluttered my digital life.It’s freed up more time, energy and focus.

Why Embrace Slow Productivity Systems in Notion?

I had an unhealthy relationship with productivity.Before I found Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity philosophy in 2020, I drank the productivity culture kool-aid. I bought into the idea that a productive and accomplished life was all about optimising for getting more and more things done in less time, and with fewer resources.So I focused on the tactics and strategies on how to efficiently tick more things off the to-do list.I saw “do nothing” time as unproductive and I would feel bad about it.Couple this unhealthy mindset and the pandemic that pushed the workload at my day job to new levels of stress and overload (I worked in the healthcare)...It was a one-way road to burnout.Creating and then using my Slow Productivity systems in Notion (and in my life), has helped me slow down, rethink my approach to work, recover from burnout and put in place better habits to stop burnout from happening.It's completely improved my relationship with productivity.I like Notion because it’s flexible and customisable. Making it easy to design systems and workflows in Notion, that integrate Slow Productivity strategies and tactics.With 13+ years of real-world experience in workflow and process design, project management, training and leadership management, and 5+ years of designing Notion workflows and systems, I'm excited to help you get organised and more productive with your time and efforts.

Janice CK

Notion Essentials Certified & Notion Ambassador

Notion Essentials Credley Badge

Start here with a newsletter packed with insights, actionable strategies and curated expert resources to unlock your path to sustainable productivity, time outside of work (and profit).